Monday, August 29, 2011


Facebook has this new feature where it shows you what your status was one and two years ago. Some of them have made me laugh...a lot. Others have caused deep gratitude. Like just now.

One this day in 2010: today i'm thankful for: an afternoon nap. fans. my bed. (we shall see each other again soon.) friends from church. hugs. a note from a dear friend. rootbeer floats. half price apps. music. working with great students and staff at bsu. being loved and humbled by a faithful and sovereign God. what are you thankful for today?

One this day...right now: today i'm thankful for: switching back to sleeping during the night and being awake during the day. completely amazing friends from all sorts of circles of communities and seasons of life. hugs. words of life and encouragement. redemption. ice cream. almost pee your pants laughter. talkative 5 year olds. frisbees. God's unfailing, crazy love. beautiful things. toasties and those who work there. being stretched and growing. 3rd st. guitars. stories of transformation. revival.

What are you thankful for today?  

1 comment:

  1. I like this. Thanks for sharing.

    I feel like I've been saying your 2010 status this week.
