Thursday, June 2, 2011



What does it mean to be rooted?

I've been thinking about being rooted a lot this week. Much is changing as I navigate through new territory to find new rhythms.

In some ways, I have been uprooted from former rhythms and familiar ground. I realize now how comfortable I was in previous grounds. I knew the surroundings quite well.

Now there is new ground around me and I'm not so comfortable.

It's humbling.

I'm sitting in unfamiliar soil. It looks different. It has a different texture. It smells different. I'm not sure what to do here.

As I realized I didn't know how to walk about this new territory, God brought me to a place we revisit together from time to time. We tend to come to this place in times of change and transition, whether big or small.

It's a place where the deep Truth of His faithfulness shines through shifting ground. It's the place where the Truth that He is where I need to be most deeply rooted captures my mind and heart. 

As I have thought about being rooted, I am starting to see more and more that it's very easy to get rooted in what we do or our surroundings. It's easy to find our identity in what we do or with the environment, or ground, around us. I think there is some level goodness and normalcy to this.

But what happens when our deepest roots form our identity based on those things? What happens when our nourishment comes from what we do or who and what is around us?

We forget who we are in Christ. We forget the power that lies within us as Christ dwells in us! 

As I feel uprooted from much of what has been familiar, it helps put in perspective the ways I try to find identity, security and comfort in what I do or in my surroundings.

It reminds me that I don't need to feel as "off" as I have felt this last week. Why? Because my identity isn't found in what I do or who or what is around me. It's in Jesus Christ. 

That's right. BAM.

How does that change things? What happens when our deepest roots are in Christ? What about when our source of nourishment is coming from His Truth?

The understanding of our true identity breaks through! We can be confident through transition. We don't need to be shaken. We can be more aware with what God is doing in and around us so that we can go where He's going. We can continue to see God transform and change the atmosphere where we praise His name. We can continue to see lives encounter Him and draw into relationship with Him.

As I head off to work and into another nightwatch, I'm asking You, awesome Father, to extend my roots deeper and deeper into You, Your truth, grace and power!

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