Monday, September 26, 2011

it's not random.

God speaks.

It's really quite simple. 

But we complicate it. We think we can't hear Him. We tune into the wrong voices. We doubt.

Yet the Truth remains. 

He speaks.

We can hear Him.

God wants to interact with us. Focus in on that Truth.

If you are reading this, know right now that the God who created this world also created you and wants to breathe Life into your soul by speaking words of Life into your very being.

It's set on my heart tonight to share words of Life that the Living God spoke through Justin Rizzo during an IHOP Worship With the Word session on August 6th.

I could go deep with how these words have been interacting with my soul in the last number of weeks, but I don't believe that's the point right now. Plus, one thing He's teaching me lately is that not everything that happens in our relationship with Him needs to be shared. There is secret time with Him that's not intended for others to see. Cool, huh? I like that.

Friends, enjoy Him. May your ears and soul be open to the Holy Spirit and receive whatever it is that He is speaking into your life.

August 6, 2011, 8am Worship:

You say, "But Lord, all that I've longed for has yet to appear and I just seem to be shifting and changing year after year. 

Going here. Going there. Trying to find. Going there. Moving here.


But the Lord says, "You are in my purpose."

The Lord says, "You are in my will." 

The Lord says, "Even as you go, I will direct your steps. I am leading you. I have always been. I'm not far away or detached from you.

You've been blaming yourself for who you are. But I'm saying I love every part of you. You are beloved. I love who you are. And I brought you here this very morning. I brought you here to hear me loud and clear.

Do not despise that which I have made. Do not doubt me.

My leadership of your life is perfect," says the Lord.

"And as you go, I'm there with you. It's my hand leading you.

Oh, how I love you.
Oh, how I love you.
Oh, how I love you," says the Lord of hosts.

"Oh, how I love you. Oh, how I love you.

You're beautiful.

You're beautiful.

Just rest in me. Just rest in me.

Just rest in me.

I love you so dearly.

Just rest in me. Just rest in me.

You're beautiful. You're beautiful. Just rest in me.

Let me do my work in you," says the Lord.

"Let it go deep.

Let it go deep.

Let it go deep.

Your identity is in me.

You're beautiful because I created you.

It's not about what you do.

You're beautiful simply because I dreamed a dream and I brought you forth.

Do you know the plans I have for you?" says the Lord.

"I brought you forth. I have you all figured out. You're not a mystery to me. I have your life planned. And it's more than you've ever dreamed. You're not a mystery to me. I have your life planned. And it's more than you've ever dreamed. You're beautiful.

So rest. 

So rest. 

So rest in me.

The journey is only just begun. So rest in me, my fair one.

You're not made a mistake. Every single road you've been on you've been learning. I've been teaching.

It's not random what I'm doing in you.

You're not a mystery to me. I have you all figured out. For I formed and created you. Know this without a doubt. 

You're beautiful. 

So rest in me."

1 comment:

  1. I've gotta say that what you do share here is always encouraging. Thanks for posting.
