I converted.
It took me a few years, but it finally happened.
I'm now typing on a brand new (to me) mac computer. I just sent a text on an iPhone 4S.
I have turned into a mac girl.
An apple girl.
A mac apple girl.
However you wanna say it.
Bottom line is - things are a changin'.
While I quite enjoy the iPhone, at first I kinda missed some of the features of my little Driod. Or maybe it wasn't completely the phone that I missed. I think I actually missed the familiarity of knowing what I was doing and how to navigate on it. The first couple of days with the new phone, I just didn't know what I was doing so I didn't know all the cool tricks. But I've been learning. And the more I learn, the more I like it.
I kinda feel that way about life right now. I'm stepping into some new things yet again. Don't exactly know what I'm doing but I know with confidence I am to step forward. Lots of details are yet to fall into place. But they will as I move forward. And the more I move forward and the more I learn, the more I like it.
It's been such a season of sitting at the feet of Jesus. It's been incredible.
But things are a changin'.
Now it's go time.
Time for some legitimate forward movement.
Time to run.
It seems that's the case for so many right now. Coincidence? Doubt it. I don't think it's a coincidence at all.
So if you find yourself stepping into new places, new roles, new ways of spending your time and resources, running an accelerated pace, stepping into unfamiliar or uncharted territory...name it whatever you like...if this resonates with you - would faith, love, and hope in Christ be your driving forces.
"We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Thessalonians 1:3
This running is a time of work, labor, and endurance. But take heart because we don't need to pour out of our own strength.
Let faith produce your work.
Let love prompt your labor.
Let hope inspire your endurance.
You keep running.
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