Wednesday, May 12, 2010

tis so sweet

turns out that starting a blog was much like getting a new toy. you know how that goes, right? you get a new gadget or game and you play with it a lot right off the bat. then, over time, you find it on the shelf collecting dust or stuck away in the closet because it lost it's "newness". it reminds me that things are just things and they don't ever fully satisfy us. if they did, we wouldn't always be longing for the next best thing to fill it's place. 

i can spend so much of my time trying to quench these thirsts for satisfaction. i've sought it out in relationships, doing the "good" and "right" thing, media, music, having "nice" things...the list goes on. but they always leave me wanting more.

what do you do to satisfy your longings?

i'm thankful there is something that is steadfast and does truly satisfy: knowing and following Jesus. deciding to follow Jesus back in high school has reoriented my life. i couldn't be more thankful.

yet i am struck at the ways i can still slip into an old mindset that other things are going to satisfy me. i've been thirsty lately. adjusting to life in bemidji. ending the schoolyear. learning boundaries. getting ready for pursuit. deepening friendships and transitions in relationships. transitions in family and close friend's lives. it intensifies a spiritual thirst inside. i have been humbled to see that Jesus has been right in front of me, extending his hand. and lately, i've been looking past it, trying to quench my thirst without Him. trying to make sense of transition and life without fully trusting in Him. last night i started back into Proverbs. God's Word is like that glass of ice water after running around on a hot summer's day. it quenches our soul. chapter 3:5-6 say, "trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."

today two different versions of "tis so sweet" played on pandora today. both caused me to stop what i was doing and just listen and be. my mind was brought back to in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding...such peace can be known living life like this. thank you, Father!

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