Umm, okay? Sooo...what's the question?
I'll get there.
I'll get there.
First, I gotta say that this summer I acquired a new found love of rain. Now that it started snowing in beautiful Northern Minnesota and winter is truly upon us, I acquired a new found love of snow.
This is a strange comment for me.
Summer has always been my best buddy when it comes to seasons. Winter and snow...I don't not like these things. However, my spirit has never had such a response to the snow like it has during the first snowfalls this season.
Something's different this year.
Summer has always been my best buddy when it comes to seasons. Winter and snow...I don't not like these things. However, my spirit has never had such a response to the snow like it has during the first snowfalls this season.
Something's different this year.
And it's snowing again tonight.
When you look up, it seems never ending. Pure, white flakes just keep falling from sky, filling the air and landing on this city. A fresh blanket of snow rests upon the streets. On rooftops. Over fields. It traces the tops of fences and makes it's home on the tops of tree branches.
When you look up, it seems never ending. Pure, white flakes just keep falling from sky, filling the air and landing on this city. A fresh blanket of snow rests upon the streets. On rooftops. Over fields. It traces the tops of fences and makes it's home on the tops of tree branches.
Everything out in the open has a new covering.
It's awesome.
When I got off work tonight, I spent time outside by the lake simply enjoying the snow.
I can't help but desire to be surrounded by it. I genuinely want it to fall upon me. I can't stop gazing into it. It's captivating. It carries such peace and hope.
After I got home, I started listening to this song.
"What does it sound like when you sing heaven's song?
What does it feel like when heaven comes down?
What does it look like when God is all around?
Let it come."
That's the question: What does it look like when God is all around?
What do I think the answer is?
I think it looks like snow, at least in part.
What do I think the answer is?
I think it looks like snow, at least in part.
Something inside knows it's a lot more than just the snow. But this is one of the tangible ways God is showing me the awesomeness of His presence right now...through the snow.
And it doesn't show signs of stopping.
And it doesn't show signs of stopping.
So let it snow.
Let it come.
Let Your presence come and fall.
Let it be a new covering here.
The change of every season is our good Lord tangibly gifting us his wonderful promise until we reach him at the gates of heaven! Amen.