Sunday, February 26, 2012

declarations of a warrior daughter.

(As part of Bemidji Area School of Transformation, we do a lot of reading. For each book, we write a book report. The following is a portion of my book report for Spirit Wars, by Kris Vallotton. Quotes are from Spirit Wars and page numbers/chapters are noted.) 
I walk this world as a Warrior Daughter. 

My feet tread upon ground that belongs to my Warrior King and His children. I press forward with confidence knowing “there is no victory without a battle, no testimony without a test and no miracle without an impossible circumstance.” (pg 71)
I used to be dry bones. But no longer! In my dark times, the Lord began to “arise and shine His spotlight on [my] brokenness in order to make [me] whole.” (pg 56)
My new reality – my new normal – is that I am freely living flesh, mind, soul, and spirit. My new normal is not “an exhausting wrestling match with a dead man, but is an abundant, joy-filled life with God, salted with an occasional season of strong resistance from our archenemy.” (pg 44)
I arose to the sound of my Warrior King’s voice. He equipped me to keep standing through any circumstance.

My circumstances do not determine my inner condition, no matter the season. (chapter 8, pg 121) I will have the posture of sitting when he calls me to retreat and rest with him. I will have the posture of walking when God says “forward movement, Warrior Daughter”. And through it all, I will stand on his promises. I will stand and face the winds.

I will stand firm, as a rock camps itself in the beds of the river and is unmoved as the currents sweep past it. I will hold the ground promised to me. I am steady because that’s how He made me. I choose to be who my Papa created and destined me to be.
I will live and pray offensively. (pg 123) Negative circumstances do not rule me. I don’t let them. It’s really quite simple. I will keep my peace.
No need to complicate something that is inherently uncomplicated.
As a pioneer advancing into new territory, I will remember the “rules of engagement.” (chapter 3) Jesus is my advocate. He is my attorney. I will let him handle the cases.
The enemy’s thoughts, speculations and lofty things cannot enter my thought processes because my mind is a gatekeeper and will not make agreements with those things.
A “NO TRESSPASSING” sign is planted firmly in the ground outside my mind. The words are true and hold great authority.
If I realize that any partnership has been made, I will break it off by rejecting any ownership. “When [I] refuse to be impressed, alarmed or concerned by these thoughts, it is a sign of destruction for our opponents and of victory for us.” (pg 50) Steadily choosing this will cause a snowball effect of victory for the now…and for the future.
I will walk in authority in the place of influence and “sphere of authority” that He has assigned me. (metron - page 65) I will “remain inside my own metron” as this is where I am fully equipped, fueled with insurmountable faith and confidence, and supernaturally infused to “do even greater things than these”. (John 14:12)
I choose to remember that as God promotes me in areas of influence, He protects me. (pg 74)
I sense that promotions will come as I get more and more healthy. I will take care of myself – body, mind, soul, and spirit. He created us to be wholly healthy. We can walk in complete health now.
He has been showing me areas He is restoring to health in my life. He is showing me the value and goodness of accountability and places for honest feedback in a culture rooted in love and empowerment. These are the areas God has hi-lited in the previous week.
::Where do I seek affirmation? He’s been uprooting unhealthy aspects here and bringing me into alignment with Him. I’m learning to unplug from other sources and plug straight into the One who affirms my identity. After all, He is the one who gave it to me. He knows me best. 
:: Confrontations/”So what are you going to do about this…” kind of conversations
As I was journaling about this, I wrote “I do not want to rise up unhealthy people or reproduce unhealthiness!” Then He had me write what I will do: “I will empower healthy, kingdom minded revivalists.” And then God had me take one more step back and declare, “I will be a healthy, kingdom minded revivalist.” I so desire health right now because it’s imperative to move forward. 
::Financial stewardship – budget and STICK WITH IT
::Time stewardship – what/where/who are my “yes” places? It’s time to ask God this question again. 
::Work realm – be early to work, honor my co-workers, empower and build up those we serve. 
::Family – healthy relationships, seek restoration 
::Physical health – eating well, getting enough sleep, and exercising 3-4x a week – get back in the groove. In the famous words of Nike – “just do it.” 
::Be plugged into God, first and foremost. Intimacy with Him is first and then embrace the role of community. Who is asking me the tough questions and speaking truth into my life? I can’t sit around and wait for it to happen. I will initiate.
I will treat myself kindly. (chapter 6) I will continue to declare prophetic words over myself. I will speak words of life. This Warrior Daughter will keep laughing. (pg 114) I will put myself in places and in relationship with those who stir up deep joy. I will keep sharing testimonies. I will keep living a life that results in testimonies to share. I will be a world changer. I will help equip others to be world changers, too.
I have a lot to learn from chapters 9-11. But it was like being let in on the gameplan of the enemy and beginning to rip it up right in front of him. I have been given power and authority, I just need to learn how to rightly use all the tools on my belt. Increase the gift of discernment, Father God…
As I learn to move with the Holy Spirit on these things, I will stand confidently in peace when the battle is strong.
I will also ask God to show me more about perfect love so that I can live more in it myself. And give it out. This city is craving perfect love.
With all that said, I, His Warrior Daughter, will keep my peace and keep growing.
…because my God is victorious and lives inside of me…
Yeah Yeah YEAH.

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