Saturday, April 16, 2011

flip flops in the snow.

It wasn't my most wise decision to wear flip flops tonight.
Or maybe the mistake occurred when I was leaving my apartment earlier and I noticed flurries in the air but didn't go change into shoes.
Nor did I check the forecast to learn that a few hours later I would have the urge to sing, "It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas" and "Let it snow..." while walking to my car through a few inches of freshly fallen snow.
Then again, it's April 15th and it was around 70 degrees a few days ago. Should have I expected a winter wonderland when I walked outside after worship?
Then again, it is Minnesota. Anything goes.
So my toes got cold. Like, COLD. Now they feel like they are on fire. Probably not good. Whoops. ;)
Good news is that I have new tires on my car and pretty sure if I didn't, I wouldn't be sitting at home now.
Even better news is that, despite the fact I'd rather there not be a large amount of snow on the ground, God is on the move and He is good.
Tonight rocked. 
And I think there is something about the snow that is speaking goodness over this city.
During worship while we were crying out to God to move and transform this city, the thought and picture of God's Truth blanketing Bemidji came to mind.
Then I looked outside and there it was.
Blanketing the ground was pure, freshly fallen snow.
Simply beautiful. (Yes, even in April. But maybe slightly more beautiful on Dec 24th? That's up for debate.)
Prayers are rising up and His glory is falling down.
Prayers are rising up to a powerful God who is jealous to have our heart's affections directed solely at Him.
God's glory is falling down onto this place. Torrential downpours not even a week ago. Pure, white snow on the ground tonight.
It's hard to deny torrential rain or the falling snow (especially when you are wearing flip flops). Just as we can't deny those things, we can't deny that You are moving here. You are stirring something...something powerfully transforming.
Father God, thank you that You do not relent. Do whatever it takes until the city of Bemidji is one with You.

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