the description under "who am i" on this blog caught my eye tonight.
an ordinary girl learning through the different seasons of life to love the Lord her God with all her heart, soul, mind and strength.
learning is right! it's certainly a process...a lifelong one at that.
the beginning of this learning process began 12 years ago when those words about loving God from matthew 22:34-40 (originally from deuteronomy 6:5) cut to my heart.
what is shared below has been tucked away in a folder on my computer since my senior year of college. it's a story that was used as part of a campus outreach that spring.
it's the readers digest version of how God pursued me and drew me into relationship with him.
But I was missing something. I was living to please everyone else. It left me empty. There came a point in high school when I realized that there was something greater that would give true purpose for my life. This something greater is Jesus Christ.
A close friend of mine invited me to check out God together by being a part of a Bible study the summer of 1998. To be honest, I have no idea why I said “yes.” A year earlier, I’m pretty sure I would have given an enthusiastic “no!” in response to an invitation like that.
Regardless, I went to the Bible study. The summer of 1998 was a summer of spiritual growth. I was shown that there was nothing I could do, regardless how “good” I was, to win God’s love. God already loved me. That is the exact reason God sent Jesus to this world to die on the cross 2,000 years ago in order to rise again for me, for you, for every single person.
One night I was reading Matthew chapter 22 in the Bible. Jesus was asked one day what was the greatest commandment. Jesus replied, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” I remember reading the passage over and over, hoping that the word “all” would go away. It didn’t. In fact, it seemed only to be magnified.
It was then I realized that in the midst of the good things I had done in my life, that I couldn’t be perfect and live up to what God wanted for me. There were countless things that I had done that did not show God that I loved him with all my heart, all my soul, and all my mind.
It came to the point where I knew I needed to make a choice. Would I receive the gift? That summer, I made the choice to receive the gift that Jesus offers.
I have chosen to believe that there is one God who created people to be close to Him. I believe that the choices we make separate us from God. Because of this, He sent Jesus Christ to this earth as a perfect being. I believe that Jesus died on a cross to die for all of our sin and rose again to make it possible for us to be close to God, just as God intends and desires. Every single person is faced with the decision to accept this. It is only through Jesus that we can be saved from an eternity separated from the God who made us. The Word of God, which is from God and is truth, points me to the Lord, Jesus Christ.
I have chosen to follow and believe.
Do you agree?
i still agree, but would add that Jesus isn't something we add into our lives to feel good about what eternity will look like for us. we are called to deny ourselves and in exchange, live a new life in Christ. we become a part of sharing the Gospel (Good News) with others. sharing Christ IS a part of this new life.
are you following Jesus? if not, what is stopping you?
if you are...are you sharing the Good News? (this next question challenges me every time...) if not, are you truly following him?
"the great commission isn't an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed." hudson taylor
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