Thursday, January 10, 2013

burning. [continually]

"As soon as you stop learning, you stop growing. And as soon as you stop growing, you start dying. ...The goal is to continually learn." -Kris Vallotton

Continually learning keeps us alive and wholly healthy to who God created us to be. It empowers us to live out what He uniquely destined each of us to do.

Learning, getting strrrrrrrrrrrrrrretched,'s so purposeful!
Keep pressin in...

YOU were born to do great things...So what are you learning as this new year is underway? How will you keep growing?

You manage you.
Take responsibility. It's up to you to keep your fire burning.

Ask God how to keep it burning. Ask Him to show you what to press into.

There are endless possibilities ahead that can turn into world changing realities if you choose to learn, grow, and move with God...