"Mom, did you see that? Did I read it right?" I asked as we drove down State Street past Waseca Floral.
I was almost sure the sign outside the little floral shop had my name on it and was instructing me to stop in for a free rose.
Ya don't see a sign like that everyday so we turned the van around and went back to find out if they were being serious. I was a Suzanne. Did that mean I would receive a rose...just because?
We walked into the quiet little shop and over to the man behind the counter.
"Sooooo...we saw a sign outside. Umm...and...my name is Suzanne. [awkward pause] Does...that mean I get a rose?" I asked quizzically.
"It sure does."
His reply was so matter-of-fact-like, it was as if I shouldn't have been at all surprised by this.
My Mom and I looked at each other and then back at the man.
Still somewhat confused and taking in the randomness of the situation I asked, "Ya need to see my ID or somethin?"
He chuckled, "I'll take your word for it."
He turned around and carefully pulled out a beautiful red rose from the floral cooler behind him. He treated it with such delicacy as he wrapped it up and handed it to me.
"Enjoy your day," he told me as he handed me my rose.
I don't know why I had such a hard time taking this in. It just seemed so random. Unexpected. Undeserved.
Yet, I decided to empty myself of skepticism and be filled with gratitude instead.
Because really, what girl doesn't enjoy receiving a rose just because?
I smiled, said thank you and went on with my day, rose in hand.
On the ride home, there was an overwhelming sense of God showing me His crazy love through this seemingly random event.
"Do you like it? It's from me. I hope you enjoy it. I love you."
I remember thinking that it was a great day to be named Suzanne. Even more so, Suzanne Rose.
Fitting, huh?
God pursues. He shows His love in big and little ways. For me that day, it was through a simple red rose.
He has been revealing His pursuit of me in powerful ways once again. Last night, I was introduced to the song "More Than Ashes".
It's completely beautiful.
"By grace through faith in Christ I'm saved. I am not the same when He looks at me."
In faith, we are made right with God. We are a new creation!
"I am the rose. I am the lily. I am Yours. I'm Your beauty."
Those lyrics have been playing inside me since last night.
Then this morning, something hit me that moved me to tears.
I remembered my name.
Sounds funny, I know.
But there is something powerful about our names. There is meaning and identity connected to them.
I wasn't just remembering what my name was as if I had forgotten that it's Suzanne. But I remembered something deeper.
Suzanne means lily. My middle name is Rose.
"I am the rose. I am the lily. I am Yours. I'm Your beauty."
I remembered my name.
I remembered who I am because of Christ.
I am Yours, Father. I love you.